Laser light has long been used as a therapeutic treatment for various diseases, such as hair loss, kidney stones, vision problems, back pain, to cancer. This treatment therapy uses strong light rays to cut, burn, or destroy abnormal tissue in the body. Laser light has a specific wavelength that is different from other rays. This one beam focuses on a certain point and emits light with a very high intensity. In the world of medicine, laser light enables doctors to do surgery more safely. This laser surgery technique focuses on a small area of the body without damaging the surrounding tissue. Types of Laser Beams There are many types of laser beams used in medical treatment. Different types of lasers, different conditions are handled. Here are a few examples: Carbon dioxide laser This laser beam is used to make incisions that are not too deep, such as in the removal of skin cancer. Argon laser This type of laser combines light with chemotherapy to kill more cancer cells....